Friday, October 19, 2012

Mum and Daughter - Opposites

My mum and my aunt brought Auni to the the supermarket the other day. As usual, whenever, someone takes her to the shop, she will request to buy tidbits. That day, they were walking through the tidbits section.

Mum told me that Auni  pointed to some Kit Kats and said, "Those are my favourite. But my mummy doesn't let me eat them." Then she pointed to some other chocolates and said the same thing. This action was repeated for a few times and she even added, "Everything that I like, my mummy will always say 'No'."

My mum then asked her to pick out what she wanted to get. She then took some crackers (which was allowed by my standards) and my mum paid for those.

When my mum related this to me. I could only smile when my mum told me this. Mum said that I should be glad that she did not buy those things that I do not approve of behind my back.

The thing is, I do allow my children to consume chocolates and such, but only when I am the one giving it to them. This is so that I can monitor their intake. At the same time, I normally do not let them choose to buy chocolates and whatnots. I will be the one making the choice. Therefore, they only get to consume them about once to twice a week.

I think Auni has reached the age where she complains to her peers about her parents (so soon!!)

While Auni and I were talking about food the other day, she mentioned, "You and I are opposites, mummy. Everything I like, you don't like. Everything you like, I don't like."

Sometimes it is kind of sad when you have to put your foot down on certain things and you know that they like whatever you do not allow. However, it is important as parents to be the figure of authority at times especially where health and well-being are concerned.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Fun With LolliBox!

When Auni first received her Lollibox, you could see the excitement on her face.

She finally chose to complete 'My Stained Glass' activity. Here's her reading the instructions on how to make it .

Getting started

Using the template.

Arranging the shapes

Creating the "glass" with mummy's help.

Adding the shapes to the glass.

Finally she completed her project. She was so pleased with it that she put it in her room.

What I like about LolliBox is that the material are all provided. Even the template for the shapes! You only need to have your own scissors and glue, that's about it!

The activities not only allow for you to bond with your child, it also has learning points that your child picks up through fun activities. For this activity, your child can learn about shapes and colours. Even if your child already knows her shapes and colours (like my girl here), it is a fun activity for your child to learn that there are many things we can do with shapes and colours.

So what are you waiting for? Get your LolliBox today at

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Kids' Favourite - Rainbow Cupcakes

Kids being kids, they love beautiful colours. Auni has been pestering me to help her to bake rainbow cupcakes. Problem was, we didn't have all the colouring. So the trip to Phoon Huat over the weekends achieved this. Finally, she got to bake her rainbow cupcakes.

This is indeed a hit with the little ones. My cousins and nephews who came over our place requested me to help them bake too.

 Here is a video of Auni with her rainbow cupcakes.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


I love to indulge in sweet stuff like once a week.

My all-time favourite dessert is the Red Velvet Cupcakes. I first saw this about 2 years ago on Bobby Flay's Throwdown. Here's my daughter sharing on how to bake red velvet cupcakes :)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

On Allowing Your Child to Eat Sweet Stuff

I've had some concerned friends asking me whether I allow my child to consume lots of sweet stuff especially after reading Auni's blog and watching her video on baking (her blog is

Truth is, I allow my child to eat chocolates and such once they are above 2 years of age. But of course, as a parent, I am concerned about their health. So, I only allow them to indulge in the treat about once a week.

Auni loves to bake. And since it is a very good hobby, I encourage her to do so. She searches the YouTube for baking ideas and will share with me what she wants to bake. For now, it is a weekly kind of thing (I hope we can still do this even when I've returned to work).

However, Auni does not always eat what she bakes. She loves the act of baking itself, but not the end product. For e.g. she prepared the No Bake Lemon Cheesecake for hubby and me but she didn't have any for herself. Reason being, she does not like cheesecakes. But she loves to make them. Auni loves chocolates. Dark chocolate or milk chocolate. I give my kids dark chocolate. We have a bar of Old Gold dark chocolate stored in our house.

I know of parents who totally do not allow their children to consume sweets or chocolates and no fast food either. And giving their child purely organic food. Like I've said, I'm not one of those parents. I allow my children the occasional indulgence. I'm sure those parents have their reasons for doing so.

What about you? Do you allow your child to eat sweet stuff?

Friday, September 7, 2012

On Tandem Breastfeeding

So here's the promised blog on tandem breastfeeding:

After I was sent to the ward, my family came shortly after and brought along my 2 girls. Auni and Ulfa were excited to see me and the baby (though i think they were more excited to get the gifts hubby and I bought for them :) we told them that the gifts were from the baby).

We named the baby, Nuha. Auni and Ulfa both kissed the baby. Talked to me. I think Auni talked to me more. Ulfa was more interested in the toys. Auni was afraid that I was in pain and she kept on stroking and kissing Nuha. She has always been very caring towards her family members. When it was time for them to go home, they both hugged and kissed me. Both Ulfa and Auni went back with my brother and sister-in-law So after my delivery, I was discharged the next day with my baby. On the day I was discharged, my hubby brought along my 2 girls to fetch me and Nuha from the hospital.

When we got home, Ulfa was still alright seeing me nurse Nuha. It was during nighttime when she wanted to be breastfed too. I told her to wait till after I nursed Nuha. So after nursing the baby, I nursed the toddler. The next day, everytime Ulfa saw me nursing Nuha, she wanted to feed too and this time, she refused to wait. She will cry, wanting to nurse at the same time. So, I had to feed Nuha on one side, and Ulfa on the other.

It was actually quite funny to see one small baby and a toddler nursing side by days drew on, it got quite tiring too. It was too trying to position both together to feed. Plus when Nuha had her growth spurt, Ulfa wants to nurse at every feed.

So I did what I think all mothers have to do at one point of time. I had to "sweet talk" her. I had to persuade her to stop breastfeeding. It was tough at first. Every time she cried, I caved in and breastfed her.

Finally, she stopped nursing completely after 2 weeks of "sweet talking". I must say that it was a join effort by hubby and me. Hubby also participated in the "sweet-talking" and persuasion. He would carry Ulfa and distract her when I was feeding Nuha.

Now, if you ask Ulfa whether she wants to be breastfed, she will say, "No, Ulfa's 2 years old. Ulfa drink milk from cup." :)

I had envisioned myself breastfeeding Ulfa for 2.5years. But I only managed to do it for 2yrs 3mths. Nevertheless, I am proud of myself for having achieved thus far. Now breastfeeding Nuha, I hope I can do as well too.

I really salute those mothers who are into total breastfeeding. It is no easy feat. But the bond it creates, it is simply special :)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Our Virgin Trip to SingKids @ Changi Airport T3

Last Friday night, hubby and i brought the kids to Changi Airport to eat Popeyes. We know that there is SingKids there so we decided to check it out. We reached there at about 8.30pm (coz we went after work).

I thought that they were going to close at 9.30pm, however, the branch at Changi Airport T3 opens till 11pm! Last admission at 10.15pm. The minute my girls saw the place, they wanted to play and forgot all about being hungry. So we let them play.

Their charges:
Off-peak - 2hrs playtime ($18). Admits 1 child & 1 adult
Peak - 1 hr playtime ($18). Admits 1 child & 1 adult

Subsequent hr: $10
Additional adult: $4

*Socks required. Can be purchased at $2 per pair.

I bought a voucher online for SingKids that allows the kids to play for 3 hours. So we used that. We didn't have socks so we purchased it from them. A total of $8 for 4 pairs.

I must say that my kids really enjoyed playing there. The place is aged appropriate for kids especially those below 7 years of age (though their rule states 1 to 12 years old and that the kids have to be below 1.45m tall).

The pros:
Safe environment
No big kids running down the little ones so you need not worry about that

The Cons:
Only one - the place is kind of small. My girls were done playing in 1.5hours time. Or the probably realised they were hungry.

So after that we headed to Popeyes which is also in T3 and closes at 2am.

Overall it was fun there and my girls loved it. They actually requested to go there again :)

You can check out their website here.

Super Mom on a Guilt Trip

Aren't we all super moms? We wake up at 6 every morning. Clean the house, get breakfast ready, bathe the kids, serve them breakfast, play with them, put them down for a nap, cook lunch, do laundry, serve lunch, clean up, wash up, take the kids with you to grocery shopping, play with them again, prepare dinner, clean up, read to the kids, put them to bed. And that's when we have OUR time. And then we sleep at 1am and wake up at 6am again and the cycle continues...

No, I am not complaining. As tiring as it is, I love being a mom. I love loving my children and I love being loved by them. But there are times when I feel like I am not doing enough for them. Like when I am doing laundry and they are playing with each other and I am thinking to myself that I could stop doing what I am doing and join them in their play. Or worst, when I take a short tv break, I feel really guilty. Why am I watching tv? I should be teaching them something, or play with them.

I have never left them to the care of anyone else just so that I can have a ME time. I know it is essential to have that. When I first had Auni, it was possible to do that. Now with 3 kids, it is almost impossible. Almost, but not entirely possible. Hats off to those women to manage to have a ME time to recharge. I have been spending too much time with my kids that if I leave them for awhile, I'll just be thinking about them all day long and won't enjoy myself.

Like when Auni goes to school, I miss her. When Ulfa and Nuha are asleep and I have already woken up, I miss carrying them and seeing their smiles. But I won't wake them up, no! I still have tons to do. Like blog...hehe...

Is there something wrong with me then for feeling this way. I feel like it is a sort of an attachment problem. Maybe I have grown too attached to my kids. I need to deal with this. Afterall, I'll be back to work next year. And honestly, that is something I am really not looking forward to.

Monday, August 27, 2012

My Daughter's Blog

I know I promised a blog on tandem breastfeeding. Well, working on it, heh :)

Anyway, I would like to share with you my daughter's blog, where she shares her recipes and videos on baking and cooking. Do give her your support :)

Click here!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

My Number THREE

I guess I have not been updating for quite some time. Reason being, I delivered my Number 3 in May. Thus the lack of post.

I delivered My 3rd Princess on Labour Day. What a day to go into labour :)

Here's my delivery story:

The day before Labour Day, I had just turned 38 weeks. I went to see my gynae for a check and I had to go through the CTG. From the CTG, they detected irregular contractions. My gynae checked my cervix and noted that I was 2cm dilated. Gynae asked whether I wanted to induce or wait. So I told her wait. She reminded me to quickly go to the hospital if my contractions gets stronger and more regular as my previous deliveries were all very quick (You can read my story for my 2nd delivery here).

So hubby and I went back home with the kids. Throughout the day, I was feeling minor contractions, irregular. Nothing painful. But I started timing myself. Experience has taught me that once the contractions get regular, and the period of contractions gets shorter, that means I'll be going into labour. Again, timing was irregular. But I continued to time myself. 5am in the morning of Labour Day, I noticed that my contractions were getting closer. However, I was not in pain still.

6.10 am: I called my aunt who lived nearby to help me fetch Auni and Ulfa.

6.15 am: Aunt came with my cousin and grandmother. They took my girls and their bags (I've pre-packed).

6.35 am: Hubby and I left for the hospital (KKH). Contractions were 2 mins apart. I could see hubby's jaw getting tight. I knew he was afraid that I might just deliver in the car. He was holding on to the steering wheel tight till his knuckles were all white. I told him not too worry as although the contractions were not far apart. It was not too painful and I can wait till we reach the hospital.

6.45 am: Still in the car. I was still timing my contractions. I noticed they were getting further apart. Like 4 mins apart.

7 am: Checked into the hospital. I told the nurse checking me in that my contractions went from 2mins to 4mins apart. She asked me how come I still looked so happy even though I was having contractions. I told her coz I was not in pain.

7.15am: They put me on a drip. Antibiotic drip for my GBS. The staff nurse confirmed that my contractions were 4 mins apart.

7.30am: Gynae came (Dr K T Tan). Cervix opened 5cm. Gynae told me that she'll only burst my waterbag when the antibiotic have all gone in. And I need 2 rounds just to be safe.

8am: Contractions became 7mins apart. What???!!! I was not so sure whether I was going to be delivering.

10am: Gynae burst my waterbag. Told me to let the staff nurse in the room know if I feel the baby pushing.

10.05am: Contractions immediately start to get stronger. Again, it was irregular.

10.20am: I requested to pee. I couldn't pee. The nurse suggested using a catheter. I refused. She told me that it will be very difficult for baby to come down if my bladder is full. In the end I relented. So she used the catheter. Hubby was shocked to see the amount of urine...hehe...apparently it was a lot. The nurse then checked my cervix. She said that the baby was already coming out. Strange! I didn't feel the baby pushing to come out, like my Number 1 and 2.

So gynae came.

10.29 am: After 4 pushes, the baby came out. I thought that this delivery was harder than my Number 2 coz I didn't feel the baby pushing. My gynae also commented that my contractions were very irregular all the way.

They cleaned the baby while gynae stitched me up. Then they put the baby on my chest to calm her down by letting her feel my warmth and listen to my heartbeat. After that I breastfed her. Thereafter, they took her to the nursery for all the necessary checks and vaccination and I was sent to the ward.

I notice that all 3 deliveries are different. Thank God all my labours were not difficult or long. In my next post, I'll update on Tandem Breastfeeding and Dealing with Three.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Baking Molten Lava Cake

We were sitting at home on Saturday wondering what to do. We did not go out as I was not feeling too well. As the girls were having their afternoon nap, hubby and I were searching through YouTube. We were hungry and thinking about food and what to cook. Hubby got the idea to search for Molten Lava Cake. So we watched a video on how to make it and was surprised at how easy it was to make it. So when the girls woke up, we went to Giant Hypermarket to get the ingredients.

When we told our eldest daughter what we were going to make, she got pretty excited. She is very interested in cooking, baking and everything else. So I gave her a shopping list and she helped pick out the ingredients we needed. Once home, I enlisted eldest daughter's help to put the chocolate and butter into a bowl. Then I melted the butter and chocolate over the stove. This I had to do myself as dear daughters are too young to be handling fire.

After the chocolate had melted, I left it to cool for awhile.

I got the other ingredients ready so that my daughter would only need to put them in the bowl and stir.

Auni adding the egg.

Next the sugar.

Ulfa saw what we were doing and wanted to join in the fun. So she helped put in the flour while Auni stirred.

Ulfa then got her turn to stir. After that, we put the batter into aluminium cups (coz we couldn't get any ramekins) and baked them.

They came out just right and we topped it with vanilla ice cream and voila.

The girls enjoyed it and another Saturday well spent!

Here's the video where we got the recipe from.

Happy baking!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

On Being Down With Stomach Flu

My dear Ulfa is down with stomach flu. She woke up at 3am in the morning on Saturday and suddenly vomitted all over the bed. Thereafter, the vomitting continued. Took her to see the paediatrician at 9am in the morning. Pd prescribed Hydralyte, anti-vomitting med and smecta. By late afternoon, the vomitting stopped but the diarrhoea started.

I hate it when children fall sick. You feel so helpless coz there is nothing much you can do to take away the pain. Today she seems better though I can see that her appetite has not returned fully. She seems a lot smaller than usual due to the weight loss from vomitting and diarrhoea.

My dear sweetheart, Mummy really hopes that you'll recover soon. I hope that the bug will not spread to your elder sister. Indeed, this period of time is a trying period for us all. I just want to see you recover and be healthy again.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Infidelity - What about the kids?

Recently, a friend's marriage was on the rocks. After 10 years of marriage and 2 kids, the husband cheated on her. Had an affair with a girl in her twenties. The affair had gone on for 2 years before the wife found out.

Like any other woman, my friend was devastated. And so I thought she would do the most logical thing to do - dump the scum. But she surprised us all by choosing to forgive him and working things out. Of course you might say that she's doing it for the kids. But is it really so? How do you work things out with your life partner when something as big as cheating takes place, especially when you already have kids together?

I do not blame my friend if she really wants to work things out with her husband because she does not want a divorce to affect the children. BUT, this guy had the cheek to say that he now finds their children more of a hindrance to the relationship with the wife. Well, the thing about kids is that, once you have them, you have them for life! How could you, as a father, choose to chuck your children aside after you discover taking care of them is not as easy as you thought it would be?! I bet it is just an excuse you use so that you can leave your wife with the children because you rather spend time with your twenty-year-old fling.

People often say that affairs of the heart are difficult to understand. You can never choose who to fall in love with or fall out of love with. But when there are kids involved, how do you know what to do or what not to do? Is my friend being fair to her kids by asking her husband to stay with her in the marriage? Will he be able to accept the kids as they are and not find them a hindrance to the relationship he is trying to salvage with the wife?

A divorce can affect a child negatively. At the same time, if the relationship is not working out, kids are smart enough to notice that. I guess if a divorce really needs to take place, then you should talk it out openly with the kids. Let them know that even though mummy and daddy do not feel the same way about each other, mummy and daddy will still love you guys as much. Of course, the mummy and daddy need to work things out and try as much as they can to be civil to one another for the sake of the children.

I know it is easier said than done. I wouldn't know what to do either if such a thing should befall me *touch wood*. But I really hope that whatever my friend and her husband does, they are doing it for their kids.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Our virgin trip to Fidgets @Turf City

I took the girls to Fidgets on the 2nd day of Chinese New Year. Fidgets is located at Turf City.

Adults and children below 1 year old enter FREE
Under 2 years - $8
2 to 10 years old - $15

Fidgets Is open every day from 9am to 6pm and stayed open on Chinese New Year too!

We decided to check the place out since we've heard much about it but have not been to the place before. I would say that the place is a little out of the way especially for those without their own transport. We were wondering how on earth we were going to find the place since Turf City is a big area. Thankfully there were Fidgets signboard displayed to lead us to the indoor playground.

Upon reaching Fidgets, we notice that majority of those there were expats and their children. When we went to the counter, we had to sign a form. We were also given a card to hold on to. You make purchases using the card. At the end of the day when you are leaving the place, the card will be scanned and it will give you the total bill that you need to pay (entrance fee plus any food or drinks purchased from the shops within Fidgets). By the way, you have to bring your own socks to enter Fidgets.

As soon as you enter, you see the rest and relax area with cafes right in front of you. On the right, it is the smaller children's play area. On the left is the bigger children play area. I took my smaller girl to the toddler play area. I thought that it was good that they indicate the age group that a particular play area caters to. However, as there was no one monitoring whether the rule was being adhered go, a lot of older kids also end up playing in the toddler's area. So parents of younger children will still need to monitor their toddler to make sure that they don't get trampled by the older ones.

Hubby took my elder girl to the older kids' play area. The area is much bigger. What I like about it is that it has like an obstacle course for the kids to go through as they play there.

There is also a rest area for parents and kids to chill and have a bite. There is a tv monitor showing surveillance of the play area.

Overall, my girls enjoyed it there. My take is that Fidgets is smaller than Explorer Kid at Downtown East. There are things that they can improve on like having a staff to monitor that kids play in the area designated for their age group (if not, might as well remove the sign and let anyone play anywhere they like). They should also have a locker for parents to store their belongings. More surveillance cameras needed if kids are going to be left playing on their own as I saw two kids strangling each other (with their parents nowhere in sight!) and I had to tell them to get off each other. The price is affordable and ultimately, you can relax while your kids enjoy!

You can check out Fidgets at

Monday, January 23, 2012

Cake Decoration on a Cold Rainy Saturday

I went for my check-up at KKH and was told by my gynae that my placenta was no longer covering my cervix completely. It has moved slightly and now only partially covering my cervix. I did my OGTT too since my mum was diagnosed with diabetes last year. So currently I'm awaiting results.

Anyway, after my check-up on Saturday, we headed to Royal Cakes to collect the cake that we ordered. Auni has been wanting to learn baking and cooking. I know there are classes out there but I've yet to check them out. Furthermore, for Royal Cakes cake deco, they allow the customers to take the cake home to do the decoration so I thought it would be a very good family bonding session and even Ulfa could try it out.

The cake cost $18.80 together with the cream and the sprinkles that come with it. It's 0.5kg. You need to order about 3 days in advance.

It was a nice day to be doing this with the girls as it was a rainy Saturday afternoon. The things that came with the cake:

So the girls got to working. It was messy. Nevertheless, it was still fun, even for the parents. The end product was:

They added chocolate rice that was already in my fridge to the cake.
Thereafter, we ate the cake.

It was nice. A tad sweet with all the toppings. I would recommend parents to do this with their kids. Even boys will enjoy doing this coz my friend did this activity with her son and he enjoyed it thoroughly.

After this activity, you can follow up by getting your child to recall what he or she did and writing in down. That way, it can also be used as a teaching activity.

I got Auni to keep a journal where she records things she's done. So after the activity, She would just write 2 sentences about what she did that day (this is NOT a daily exercise though). She would also draw a picture. Maybe one of these days I'll share about her journal writing. Till then...

Sunday, January 22, 2012

East Coast Park

This entry is 2 weeks overdue. In the effort to spend more quality time with the girls, hubby and I decided to take them out cycling at East Coast Park. See, I was told by my gynae to avoid exercise and such due to my low-lying placenta. But I really want to join my girls as I want to spend time with them. Cycling is a form of exercise, so I had to ensure that I do not tire myself out. So what better way to do this than to rent a Quadricycle/Quadracycle.

It seats 5 adults and 2 kids. 2 adults cycle while the 2 kids sit in the front. The cyclist on the left is the one who steers and brakes. Thus, I was seated on the right. The best thing about this is that the whole family can cycle together, especially when you have small children and they cannot cycle on their own. Then next best thing is, if one adult is tired, he/she can take it easy while the other cyclist pedals...heheh...that was what happened in my case. I think hubby really burnt some fats that day. The only disadvantage is that the bicycle does not have seat belts so I would not recommend it for kids below 18mths. Unless of course your children can sit still.
We rented the bicycle from here:

Shop Name: Our Family Corner
Address: Carpark E2, East Coast Park
Rental charges: $30 for 1st hour, $50 for 2 hours

They also have 6 seater bicycles but I didn't check out the price. We were on the waiting list to rent the quadracycle as all were already rented out. We had to wait about 30 minutes so we sat around and ate ice-cream.

When we got on the bike, we cycled around. We went to Bedok jetty. The girls had fun of course. We returned the bike at around 5pm. We saw kites in the shop and bought one. It cost $15 together with the thread. It was easy to fix. There was open field just next to the shop and we flew the kite there. The girls have always wanted a kite and thus it was a dream come true for them.

After kite-flying, we were famished and headed to the East Coast Park Lagoon Food Village which was near Carpark E2. We had our dinner of satay and bbq chicken.

Thereafter, satiated, happy but tired, we headed home. The girls fell asleep in their car. But before she dozed off, Auni did tell us to take her there again.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Pregnant with 3rd child

I know I have not been updating my blog much. Well close to a year, really. When you have 2 growing up kids, they take a lot of your time - especially when you are a working mom too.

So anyway, my darling Princess Auni is already 4 going on 5 this year. My dear cutie-pie Ulfa is already 20mths old. And I'm currently pregnant with baby no. 3.

I went for a scan a few weeks back and was told that there is 80% chance that the baby is a girl. Auni who was in the room with me exclaimed, "Girl?! Another girl! 3 girls!" Haha...she was hoping for a boy obviously.

Well this time round, it didn't matter whether it is a boy or girl. What matters is that the baby is healthy. Baby's edd is 14 May 2012.

It is always exciting when expecting a child. Auni already knows that she is having another sister. I need to prepare Ulfa for the baby. She is so attached to me.