Showing posts with label four wheels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label four wheels. Show all posts

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Milestones - Wheels, wheels, wheels

Being a mother of three, I cannot help but feel elated whenever my children achieve a milestone or acquire new skills.

Auni has started riding on two wheels. Ulfa has mastered the skill of cycling. As for Nuha, she has just gotten her own tricycle.

The other day, I brought all three of my children  to go cycling. It was pretty ambitious of me since Auni was still learning to ride on two wheels while Ulfa was still learning to cycle (she kept on saying it was too hard for her). So, I tried teaching Auni to balance, showing Ulfa how to cycle successfully, and keeping Nuha happy on her tricycle. I do not know how I managed it, but I did. Auni was able to cycle on two wheels (took her two lessons). Ulfa is able to cycle on four wheels. And dear cute little Nuha is happy on her tricycle.

I learnt that if you set your mind on something, you are sure to achieve it (especially if you managed to keep your kids happy).