The plan was to go for the Monsters of the Sea Exhibition. In the end, we went for both the Monsters of the Sea and the Human Body Experience Exhibitions. Both are temporary exhibitions. Monsters of the Sea Exhibition ended on 28 February 2016 while I have no idea when the Human Body Experience Exhibition will end. It has, however, started since 31 May 2014.
The girls really enjoyed learning about all these prehistoric underwater monsters. The animatronics bring about life to these monsters. Nuha was scared, of course, seeing these creatures move but my 2 elder girls were very excited. They were practically running from one exhibit to another to learn more about these monsters. They were especially awed by the size of the megalodon and whale shark.
The exhibition is not particularly huge but took up about 1 to 1.5 hours.
Thereafter we explored Science Centre. That was when the girls spotted the Human Body Experience Exhibition and
The exhibition is basically a walk-through the human body. Alright well, it is not really a "walk-through". You can to climb, slide, crawl your way through and learn about the different systems in the body. First up, to enter the exhibition, you have to climb up the tongue and slide down the throat. If you ask me, I think almost all kids will love this exhibition. Even my three-year-old was thrilled.
First up was the respiratory system. You get to touch the vocal cords and hear them make sounds. You get to go through the lungs. You will also learn about the nervous system and immune system and go through the brains. After that is the digestive systems. You have to crawl through the gullet in order to reach the stomach. In the stomach, you see the stomach churning and you get sprayed by the digestive juices. Then the two intestines and finally you reach the end of teh exhibition where you come out from the ... anus. You come with a fart. That was the part my girls enjoyed the most :) Best thing is you get to go through the exhibition twice with your ticket. So we went for it twice. The second time was faster as we did not really listen to the explanations given by the voiceover. My girls definitely enjoyed this exhibition.
You can find out more about this exhibition from
If you want to know the charges and the admission rates, you can check out Singapore Science Centre Homepage .
Singapore Science Centre is definitely worth a visit especially this long school holiday.