Showing posts with label toddlecount. Show all posts
Showing posts with label toddlecount. Show all posts

Thursday, January 28, 2010

New Buys!

* The silly me accidentally deleted my blog, thus having to set up the blog again and re-posting my previously saved entry. Duh!

So happy today as I’ve just received the toddleREAD/WRITE/COUNT set via home delivery. Makes me all excited to teach Princess since she’s already learning it in school. Just would like to supplement her learning and make learning as fun and enjoyable as possible. Missing her right now as she is still in school. Going to fetch her later.

Baby’s growing well inside me. Kicking and turning. Probably doing somersaults. I do feel a little concerned with this pregnancy as I feel that the baby is lower in my womb than Princess was when she was 32 weeks in my tummy. I really hope that this baby doesn’t come out early. It’s not time yet.

I’m preparing Princess towards receiving her sister. Princess is at a difficult stage right now – the terrible two stage - Oh but I love her so! She wants to be carried and wants to get her way all the time. It’s easier to control when hubby is not around. She’s daddy’s girl and she knows that she gets away with everything when daddy’s around. Sometimes I pity hubby. I know he’s tired.

I’m always so tired nowadays. I get breathless at times. Counting down the days to maternity leave.