Friday, September 7, 2012

On Tandem Breastfeeding

So here's the promised blog on tandem breastfeeding:

After I was sent to the ward, my family came shortly after and brought along my 2 girls. Auni and Ulfa were excited to see me and the baby (though i think they were more excited to get the gifts hubby and I bought for them :) we told them that the gifts were from the baby).

We named the baby, Nuha. Auni and Ulfa both kissed the baby. Talked to me. I think Auni talked to me more. Ulfa was more interested in the toys. Auni was afraid that I was in pain and she kept on stroking and kissing Nuha. She has always been very caring towards her family members. When it was time for them to go home, they both hugged and kissed me. Both Ulfa and Auni went back with my brother and sister-in-law So after my delivery, I was discharged the next day with my baby. On the day I was discharged, my hubby brought along my 2 girls to fetch me and Nuha from the hospital.

When we got home, Ulfa was still alright seeing me nurse Nuha. It was during nighttime when she wanted to be breastfed too. I told her to wait till after I nursed Nuha. So after nursing the baby, I nursed the toddler. The next day, everytime Ulfa saw me nursing Nuha, she wanted to feed too and this time, she refused to wait. She will cry, wanting to nurse at the same time. So, I had to feed Nuha on one side, and Ulfa on the other.

It was actually quite funny to see one small baby and a toddler nursing side by days drew on, it got quite tiring too. It was too trying to position both together to feed. Plus when Nuha had her growth spurt, Ulfa wants to nurse at every feed.

So I did what I think all mothers have to do at one point of time. I had to "sweet talk" her. I had to persuade her to stop breastfeeding. It was tough at first. Every time she cried, I caved in and breastfed her.

Finally, she stopped nursing completely after 2 weeks of "sweet talking". I must say that it was a join effort by hubby and me. Hubby also participated in the "sweet-talking" and persuasion. He would carry Ulfa and distract her when I was feeding Nuha.

Now, if you ask Ulfa whether she wants to be breastfed, she will say, "No, Ulfa's 2 years old. Ulfa drink milk from cup." :)

I had envisioned myself breastfeeding Ulfa for 2.5years. But I only managed to do it for 2yrs 3mths. Nevertheless, I am proud of myself for having achieved thus far. Now breastfeeding Nuha, I hope I can do as well too.

I really salute those mothers who are into total breastfeeding. It is no easy feat. But the bond it creates, it is simply special :)

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